
奇怪的夜晚 - 2016d美国重口味R级恐怖

演员表:Trey Harrison

类型:恐怖片 年代:2016 地区:美国 更新:2016-12-01



美国的恐怖片《奇怪的夜晚》,这部电影讲述的是…剧情英文,小编也看不懂啊!Five teenage friends set out for the beach on their Spring Break vacation. Good times are cut short when one of the group Carrie contracts a deadly sexual transmitted disease during a bathroom stop. When they stop for the night at an isolated motel the real terror begins when the STD virus starts running rampant turning those infected into the living dead. However there”s more going on at the motel than meets the eye.、



一开始以为是个很糟烂超B级cult片儿 但是没想到意外的好看啊 简直开创了新纪元 有趣有趣(ps.血腥暴力色情儿童不宜)

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