
日落 - 2016美国动作喜剧

演员表:卡米拉·贝勒 萨拉·帕克斯顿 泰瑞·海切尔

类型:喜剧片 年代:2016 地区:美国 更新:2016-08-31


 High school seniors Logan and Blake prepare for an epic Spring Break as they travel to the beautiful and exotic Mexican beach resort of Puerto Vallarta hoping to

hook up with their high school crushes. Surrounded by hot girls in teeny bikinis| the guys are truly in heaven. After meeting at a club| Logan falls for a mysterious

local beauty named Gaby but then realizes the next morning| when his grandfather's Rolex watch is missing| that she was after more than just his heart. Things go

from bad to worse when the guys discover that the valuable family heirloom is now in the hands of a gangster who demands to be paid triple the watch's value before

returning it. And that's just the beginning...

戏杀 HD


旺卡 BD


解禁男女 HD


火之谜 BD


东北虎 HD


赛车总动员3:极速 BD


必胜球探 BD


带你去见我妈 HD


暴走财神5 HD


动物园里有什么 HD


满江红 BD


刺猬索尼克2 BD


李茂扮太子 HD


冤家宜解不宜结 HD


驴子 BD


奇美拉 BD


不是闹着玩的之欢乐 HD


蜥蜴伯伯里奥 BD


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